Financial Information

Tuition and daycare rates at Temple Baptist School are affordable, thanks to the generosity of our host church, Temple Baptist. 

Compare private schools in Fairfax/Loudoun counties and you will be surprised how affordable we are. 

Click on the link below for all the details:

Tuition for 2025-2026

Payments for tuition, daycare, etc. are made through


Once accepted into the program. you will be given instructions how to set up a BlackBaud account.

We are not really big on fees, so basically your registration fee and book fee...are it. 

And here's something you might find interesting:

we don't do fundraisers

You'll never be pestered to sell candy, soap, or greeting cards. We sometimes collect money for missions, care packages for military personnel, and disaster relief, but we have stayed away from fundraising for over 30 years and hope to continue this policy.  Even now that we are in our new facility, we will continue this policy.

Of course, if you want to be pestered for money we can make exceptions, ask for money, and use it to buy our teachers lunch.

P.S. The tuition on the financial sheet is an annual sum that is divided into ten separate payments.  So from August to May, take the annual tuition fee and divide by ten to get your tuition payment. Daycare is extra and it also listed on the sheet.