The mission of Temple Baptist School is simple. It is to prepare our students academically and spiritually for a life of service to Jesus Christ. That's it. The hard part is carrying out the mission, but that is our commitment.


The Goals of Temple Baptist School

•To teach every student an understanding of God, the priority that should be given to His Word, and the responsibility that every individual has to Him; to assist in the spiritual development of each student.

•To enable each student to develop both natural and spiritual gifts and talents with the understanding that the highest goal for man is to use God-given talents to glorify God; to develop the student socially. 

•To inculcate Godly character habits and a desire for excellence in each student.

•To develop within each student a level of basic skills achievement that will support successful function as a citizen of heaven and of the United States of America. 

•To provide both curricular and instructional systems that will enable any student to achieve at levels that will prepare him thoroughly to enter the next level of education. 

•To teach each student the importance of living a life pleasing to Christ. 

•To impart a well-rounded liberal arts education that transcends cultural or vocational provincialism. We purpose to teach our students to prepare how to live, not just to prepare to make a living. This includes social skills and an emphasis on the fine arts. 

•To thoroughly prepare young people to enter Christian colleges and universities as a continuation of their academic progress. (Or any college they choose)

•To take excellent care of the faculty in regards to housing, salary, education, and health insurance (as well as other benefits) to ensure low employee turnover and stability of the school operations. 

•To create an academic environment that also viewed as a loving and enjoyable. Our goal is to have rigor, but also to provide a place where students love school. 

•To work on the total development of each student, including the spiritual, academic, physical, and social – based on Luke 2:52 - recognizing that each phase of growth is important and can be abetted by the school. This is necessary to accomplish the outcome of a “life of service to Jesus Christ.” 

•To have facilities that not only reflect excellence, but also to reflect our commitment to Biblical principles. 

•To maintain a clean, safe, and secure building and grounds for our school family. 

•To communicate to our constituency in a timely and effective manner.